Poems bring tears to all our eyes.
The kids roam, swim, go tubing, read, play games, grab some chips and the normally forbidden soda, discover poker and bridge. The dogs are under foot, sneaking a bit from the floor (or a child's hand!), cuddling, playing, barking, sleeping.
The elder folk enjoy the comforts of the deck, a wide range of reading material in their hands.
wild flowers deck the cakes. Bag pipes ring in the air, song is crafted and sung.
And the values of love, consideration, tenderness, communication, respect, honor, attention, and the age-old virtue of being sure and steady waft upon the air and envelope us all.
It sounds like a joyous celebration of a wonderful partnership.
All relationships have their ups and downs as we all know, but it seems that these two wove more ups into their daily lives and made it work.
Felicitations to the happy couple!
Take care
it was wonderful!
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